Pythagoras and Jason tried to forget with fun their tiredness of the past few days’ events. Whenever they were lost in their thoughts, Jason tried to remember Oidipus, something he knew, about him. Sometimes he was hurt by his own ignorance. It seemed he left everything in the other world which he had ever learned.
Pythagoras’ thoughts were around knowledge, as well. He imbibed in himself everything as a sponge, holding Jason spellbound again and again. They started to talk to each other anew, sentence followed sentence, but in the middle of his sentence the ’triangle guy’, as Jason called him at first, stopped talking.
’’What is it?” asked Jason.
’’Nothing. I just thought I saw someone but I was wrong.” mused Pythagoras.
In the Canopic Way a little boy hurried so much that he almost pushed their over. If Pythagoras hadn’t looked out, he also would have dropped the bread.
When just few stairs and a door separated them from their home, an elderly woman spoke to the ’triangle guy’. She gave Pythagoras a letter, after she got a negative answer from her question: if he was found by the child, who wanted to catch up with him so much for almost two entire days.
The two good friends couldn’t find an explanation for this. So far Jason and Hercules almost always got letters, for the same reason. Pythhagoras was an honourable and open-hearted young man, who has no cats or dogs – or family.
Trudging upwards and arriving home, Jason brooded whether in which theme got his friend this letter. It would be indiscreet to ask him, so he just listened to his instincts, in any case he trusted them more than his knowledge.
Pythagoras took a quick look at the lines, then, if it was possible, his face became even whiter than usual. However in his eyes an unknown strange feeling was shining. Happiness? Jason didn’t know, if he could believe his own intuition...
’’I... I have to go... I’ll be back soon enough.” he didn’t wait Jason’s habitual answer either. ’Farewell!’
He left the house just like he was after a long sleep not a days walk and the ’run if his life was at stake’.
The temple of Poseidon was utterly empty. It made Pythagoras’ behalf easier. His soft steps echod on the tiled floor. The girl, whose back he drilled with his gaze at the last moments, between doubt and hope; now after she finished her preyer she turned round. Although so many years passed since their last meeting, in the heart of Pythagoras that old feeling revived, which he thought he burried in himself
’’Do you still remember me?” stopped the girl for a moment, only a few steps from Pythagoras. She was not sure, their childhood in Samos lived so clear in his memory like in her own. On Pythagoras’ face thousand sentiments appeared, and when incredulity has been succeeded by the joy of seeing her again, he stretched out his hand to embrace each other. For the first time for many years.
’’It’s so good to see you again, Theano!” sighed the ’triangle guy’ and just now comprehended how much his voice trembled because of this feeling.
’’You, too...” the girl looked him over, while she passed with the tip of her fingers over the pale comlexion. ’’Flecky.”
’’I have no freckles anymore.” laughed Pythagoras hearing the old nickname.
Theano also laughed with him, then when they embraced each other again, the boy/MAN felt that the girl’s grip loosened. He had a foreboding feeling at the bottom of his heart, and then he looked at her with his blue eyes. It was that he was afraid of: Theano fainted.
Noise of fast and loud steps aspired to way for itself in his head through the fear.
’’I help you!”
It was Jason. He told Pythagoras before he asked anything, that he worried about his friend, because the ’triangle guy’ was so strange, when he left him on the flat. Jason didn’t ask needless questions, he deemed wisely that Pythagoras had a reason to keep the identity of the girl from him in secret.
’’How is.. your friend?” asked Jason He wasn’t sure he used good word with the girl after that embrace which he saw there in the temple of Poseidon.
’’She is exhausted.” abreacted Pythagoras concisely, while he was gazing at the closed door of his own chamber brooding the the other side of which Teano lied. ’’It wasn’t a surprise for me, after everything she might have gone through.” he told more to himself than to Jason.
’’Breakfast. I need breakfast!” shuffled Hercules from his chamber when the cock just started to crow. He arrived home from the tavern only a few hours ago, so his friends hadn’t got the opportunity to tell him they are not alone. Theano was alarmed by his grumbly deep voice as well. Suddenly she didn’t know either where she was, after that she looked around the room, she realized. The patina tidiness and an old, striped blanket...
’’Flecky.” she mumbled still a little bit hoarse. Despite this Pythagoras’ smoothly, smiling face appeared from the other side of the little opened door.
’’Good midday, sleepy-head!”
’’I’m not a sleepy-head!” refused the girl the supposition, to feign the offended. She sat up, Pythagoras took a seat on the other side of the bed. Their hands rested on the black blanket on which white stripes broke the monotony. In their consciouness rushed thousands of memories.
The nostalgia continued during the lunch, after Pythagoras has introduced the girl to Jason and Hercules officially. So it turned out for all of them that Theano and the ’triangle guy’ have been friends since they were children. They were brought up on the Isle of Samos where Pythagoras had already been prominent among their schoolmates with his brilliance. It was not disturbing even to Theano! She heard his newest theories with awe and affection.
The other two were stupefied how many adventures these two had. As if their friend Pythagoras was a fully different person in the old days. Jason was thinking of a question unceasingly, and when he thought the time came, he asked:
’’How did you leave touch?” however when he put his thoughts in words, his question cut the thread of the discourse into two. Pythagoras’ shining blue eyes avoided Theano’s green ones. But the question of ’how’ was easier to explain than the ’why’. Pythagoras was looking for the answer of that last conversation feverishly.
’’I had to leave the isle.” found her voice finally Theano. Her answer brought up the newest questions, but Jason decided to stay silent this time. He listened to them.
The girl was looking into Pythagoras’ eyes directly, while they relived the memory of that terrible stormy night...
end of the part one...
Chapter 2: http://sunny-donnelly.blog.hu/2015/07/21/bbc-atlantis-togetheragain2
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