Mesék, nem csak gyerekeknek & Sorozat-átiratok, nem csak rajongóknak


2015/02/15. - írta: SunnyDonnelly

   Once upon a time over the highest mountains, over the fields, near of the Round Forest, lived two adorable yellow little ducks: Duck Ryan and Duck Kelly.
From year to year they looked sadly from close to their hideout, how their blue peers competed for the victory on the waters of Blackwater.
’I wish we had spent the time with them.’ Kelly sighed, while she watched the workout of the long distance swimmers.
’But the rule is that only the noble blue ducks can participate in the competition.’ muttered Ryan, more to convince himself than his little sister.

’Well what are you two quacking here about?’ the poor little ducks were shocked..

They immediately recognized the newcomer: he was Johnny, the coolest blue duck in the world.

It was rumored about him that he used to be the most skillful, fastest little duck on the waters of Blackwater.

They learned about his retirement from the Magazine Duck-Star.

From then Johnny has become the Presi-Duck of the jury of Duck Fast Derby, but he still told about the good-old-times with haughty voice.

Ryan an Kelly tried to quack themselves out of the situation.

’The Duck Fast Derby is not for you two.’ but as he saw the dejection of the little ducks, he felt sorry for them: ’There is the good fairy called Moyra. She lives in the middle of the Round Forest. If your biggest dream is that to become blue ducks,’ he straightened himself up like he said without words: „almost as good as me” ’Moyra will grant your requests.’

Ryan and Kelly didn’t need more! They immediately left to find Fairy Moyra and asked her, to change them blue ducks to be able to take part in the Duck Fast Derby. It was not the place that mattered to them, they just would have liked to relive the experience. At least once in their lives!

They were almost at the depths of the forest, when heard somebody crying for help. As fast as they could, they ran to the direction of the voice. They had nearly fallen into the bog which started to absorb a tiny girl. They’ve never seen anyone like her, but they hadn’t got the time to stare, or think of who was she.

   The three of them were gasping for breath on the lawn, when the little ducks had a thought: maybe they saved the life of Moyra, the Fairy of the Dark Forest.

’Thank you for saving my life.’ she said with gratitude. ’In exchange for this, I’ll make one of your wishes come true.’

 Ryan and Kelly immediately accepted the offer.

’We’d like to be blue ducks to take part of the Duck Fast Derby tomorrow!’ they said at the same time. One moment later their yellow feathers turned to blue. Ryan and Kelly just stared and marvelled. Instead of the tiny girl, a beautiful fairy looked back at them for a moment before she collapsed.

’What happend to you, kind-hearted Fairy?’ the fear and worry of little Kelly’s voice was reflected by the autumn forest. Her elder brother looked into the Fairy’s eyes and understood the situation.

’Her strength is giong to leave her.’ Moyra could only nod.

’We have to do something!’ Kelly looked at her brother. She was waiting the solution from him.

’There is only one thing you can do:’ said Moyra quietly and getting weaker ’make your wishes come true!’ and then the little Fairy closed her eyes, her wee body had became fairy dust, and vanished between Ryan’s wings.

’Farewell, my friend!’

  Now the little blue ducks looked in Johnny’s eyes, again.

’It is our fault, isn’t it?’ whispered Kelly. Ryan would opened his wee beak to tell his sister, she was right, when Johnny took the floor for the greatest astonishment.

’No. It is not! Don’t blame yourselves! It was all because of me.’ brother and sister didn’t understand his words. ’I owe a confession to you: I… can’t swimm. I mean, I couldn’t before Moyra’s magic had made me the fastest and the most skillful blue duck on the whole County Tyrone.’ Ryan and Kelly couldn’t speak because of the shock. Instead of Johnny they saw now a simple little blue duck in front of them, but their respect remained him. ’I know what you think of me now. „A miserable little blue duck who can’t swim, isn’t a duck anymore.” My father also told me that I won’t take much.’ he lowered his head.

’It is not true.’ the wee Kelly put her tiny wings on Johnny’s shoulders.

’And doesn’t need to be.’ Ryan said firmly. ’Your father was not right.’

’Now I already know. But at that time I saw myself as my father did: a miserable, little, blue plush duck. But the success which I could thank to Moyra’s magic was gone to my head enough. One day Moyra visited me and told me her powers were leaving her soon. And then the magic, which raised me the all time winner of the Duck Fast Derby and later the Presi-duck of the jury, is also going to evaporate. Therefore I’ve decided to retire. I didn’t want anybody to know about my agreement with Moyra.’

’We don’t judge you. We understand you. And now it’s clear why you retired from the racing so suddenly.’ said Ryan affectionately.

’What do you think, Johnny? Have we got a chance to compete in the Duck Fast Derby tomorrow?’ asked timidly the little Duck Kelly, and as she blushed her blue plumage turned into purple.

’Not only to compete, but you can also win!’

’How? We haven’t swam such a large distance yet.’

’I will help you. Although the magic is lost, I know the training technique well yet.’ replied Johnny eagerly for Ryan’s question. ’But one thing you should know: Moyra’s magic is gone soon, so the the spell which she put on both of you will become nothing as well. You’re going to turn back to those ducks who you were when we met.’

Ryan and Kelly looked at each other. They didn’t wait long before replying to Johnny:

’It doesn’t matter. If we can be part of the Duck Fast Derby once in our lives, it has been worth it.’ summed up their thoughts Ryan.

’Only poor Moyra…’ Kelly was crestenfall. Her brother and Johnny embraced her from both sides with their wings.

’Something tells me, her sacrifice won’t be in vain.’ Johnny’s eyes glinted. ’And now let’s get to practice!’ he winked at them, and the three friends eagerly threw themselves into work.

   The next day, when they descended into the water, they already knew exactly, the effect of fairy dust is going to pass soon, and they are going to become those simple little ducks, who they had been before. But, for what they promised to Moyra and themselves, it was worth it!

The waters of Blackwater stroked them gently, their wee hearts pounded vehemently and they swam and swam, as fast as they could. They progressed wing-to-wing, while they heard with their mind’s ears what Johnny told them: „ALL OUR DREAMS CAN COME TRUE, IF WE HAVE THE COURAGE TO PURSUE THEM!” Our heroes had this courage!

  They didn’t even notice when Moyra’s magic passed and didn’t care of the amazed noble blue ducks around them. Even when they were swimming in euphoria when Johnny, who was rooting for them from the shore all along, declared the winners:

’At first places Ryan and Kelly in tie, at the 2nd place is the champion of the previous years, Albert, the hatchling of the Blueduck Swimming Association’s Presi-duck, at the 3rd place is the foreign exchange student, Flavio.’


  Albert muttered something to himself, jealously watching how the true long-cherished dreams of two gold-feathered little ducks came true. He swore revenge, but to find out whether he succeeded, a lot of water shall pass flow down the river Blackwater…

(13th of November 2013)

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