Mesék, nem csak gyerekeknek & Sorozat-átiratok, nem csak rajongóknak

Pehely & Pille Part 1

2015/02/15. - írta: SunnyDonnelly

Five words, one story


mosquito, duplicate, rim, to follow, brimstone




   ’Cobwebby Hell!’ slipped out from that wee mosquito’s mouth whom his family called simple ’’Rim”, and which Prince Pehely found in his future wife, Princess Pille’s room, instead of his fiancée. The next day would be their wedding day.

   But now the princess was missing. She has been kidnapped! And they believed the words of that left, harum-scarum mosquito or not, the Prince of Butterflyland exactly knew, who did this.

   The neighbouring ants wanted to have Pehely’s throne for ages. After the Prince had decreed the arrest of the mosquito and duplicate guards throughout the palace; he immediately set off after Chief Vazul to set Princess Pille free.

   On the border of the two lands he desperately defeated every ants border guards, then he followed Chief Vazul’s track, straight to the Palace of Ants. 

end of part 1

Part 2:

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